Digital Sin: A Theological Review of Human Sins through Audio-Visual in Digital Realm


  • Eriyani Mendrofa Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Indonesia, Semarang
  • Eko Wahyu Suryaningsih Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Indonesia, Semarang
  • Chang Young Min Chongshin Presbyterian Seminary and University in Seoul



hamartiology, digital media, digital pastoral


The development of increasingly advanced Science and Technology has altered various aspects of human life. Whether consciously or not, this development has also impacted the spiritual component of humans. This article discusses how sin can enter human existence through the senses of hearing and sight, beginning with Eve in Genesis 3:15 and continuing to the present day with the widespread use of digital media. The method utilized is a literature review composed of books and journal articles. The findings of this study indicate that digital media can serve as a channel for sin. Humans can sin because of flawed hearing and words. Through the consumption of indecent materials such as pornography, and the unethical use of visual media, digital media sets up the potential for humans to feed their already sinful tendencies. This action demeans human dignity and undermines cherished Christian values. Sinful individuals require pastoral care. Understanding, support, guidance, prayer, prevention, and long-term recovery must be the focus of the ministry for those who have sinned through digital media use. Therefore, a pastor and pastoral counselors must understand the digital world and the challenges people confront in order to approach problems with wisdom and compassion.

Author Biography

Eko Wahyu Suryaningsih, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Indonesia, Semarang

SINTA ID: 6085153

Dosen dalam bidang Teologi di STBI Semarang. M.Th dan Dr. Teologi dari STBI Semarang


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How to Cite

Mendrofa, E., Suryaningsih, E. W., & Min, C. Y. (2023). Digital Sin: A Theological Review of Human Sins through Audio-Visual in Digital Realm. Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili Dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat, 7(2), 152–163.




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