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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I confirm that the manuscript submitted to this journal Evangelikal: (1) has been checked a plagiarism software/application, such as Turnitin, that it does not contain plagiarism, (2) has not been published elsewhere (or even in-press elsewhere), and (3) is not being submitted for publication in other journals in the same moment.
  • I have prepared my paper dan files in accordance with the journal style and format requirements.
  • I understand and has written my manuscript carefully according to the author guidelines. I understand that unsuitable manuscripts will be automaticaly rejected.
  • Authors must provide active phone numbers in the registration form, for urgent communication if required.
  • Once more, I confirm that my manuscript has avoided plagiarism and has been checked using a plagiarism software/application, such as Turnitin.

Author Guidelines

Submission in Bahasa Indonesia (for Indonesian authors)

Authors are allowed to submit articles in Indonesian, especially those who request article translation services into English; it is recommended that the translation be carried out after the article is declared accepted. The translation must be carried out by a professional translator. Authors can choose their own translators or submit them to the editor/translation team of the Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat. Costs are borne by the author.

Research Article full structure

Title: The article's full title should contain a maximum of 14 words.

Abstract: The abstract, written in English, should be no longer than 200 words and must be written in the past tense. The abstract should give a succinct account of the objectives, methods, results, and significance of the matter. The unstructured abstract for an Original Research article should consist of six parts unlabelled Background, Aim, Setting, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Contributions.

  • Background: Summarise the social value (importance, relevance) and scientific value (knowledge gap) that your study addresses.
  • Aim: State the overall aim of the study.
  • Setting: State the setting for the study.
  • Methods: Clearly express the basic design of the study, and name or briefly describe the methods used without going into excessive detail.
  • Results: State the main findings.
  • Conclusion: State your conclusion and any key implications or recommendations.

Do not cite references and do not use abbreviations excessively in the abstract.

Introduction: The introduction must contain your argument for the social and scientific value of the study, as well as the aim and objectives:

  • The first part of the introduction should make a clear and logical argument for the importance or relevance of the study. Your argument should be supported by the use of evidence from the literature.
  • The second part of the introduction should make a clear and logical argument for the originality of the study. This should include a summary of what is already known about the research question or specific topic and should clarify the knowledge gap that this study will address. Your argument should be supported by the use of evidence from the literature.
  • In some research articles, it will also be important to describe the underlying theoretical basis for the research and how these theories are linked together in a conceptual framework. The theoretical evidence used to construct the conceptual framework should be referenced from the literature.
  • The introduction should conclude with a clear summary of the aim and objectives of this study.

Research methods and design: This must address the following:

  • Study design: An outline of the type of study design.
  • Setting: A description of the setting for the study; for example, the type of community from which the participants came or the nature of the health system and services in which the study is conducted.
  • Study population and sampling strategy: Describe the study population and any inclusion or exclusion criteria. Describe the intended sample size and your sample size calculation or justification. Describe the sampling strategy used. Describe in practical terms how this was implemented.
  • Intervention (if appropriate): If there were intervention and comparison groups, describe the intervention in detail and what happened to the comparison groups.
  • Data collection: Define the data collection tools that were used and their validity. Describe in practical terms how data were collected and any key issues involved, e.g. language barriers.
  • Data analysis: Describe how data were captured, checked, and cleaned. Describe the analysis process, for example, the statistical tests used or steps followed in qualitative data analysis.
  • Ethical considerations: Approval must have been obtained for all studies from the author's institution or other relevant ethics committee and the institution's name and permit numbers should be stated here.

Results: Present the results of your study in a logical sequence that addresses the aim and objectives of your study. Use tables and figures as required to present your findings. Use quotations as required to establish your interpretation of qualitative data. Metric units and their international symbols are used throughout, as is the decimal point (not the decimal comma).

Discussion: The discussion section should address the following four elements:

  • Key findings: Summarise the key findings without reiterating details of the results.
  • Discussion of key findings: Explain how the key findings relate to previous research or to existing knowledge, practice or policy.
  • Strengths and limitations: Describe the strengths and limitations of your methods and what the reader should take into account when interpreting your results.
  • Implications or recommendations: State the implications of your study or recommendations for future research (questions that remain unanswered), policy, or practice. Make sure that the recommendations flow directly from your findings.

Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion that summarises the results and their meaning or significance in relation to each objective of the study.

References: Authors should provide direct references to original research sources whenever possible. References should not be used by authors, editors, or peer reviewers to promote self-interests. Mandatory article citation using the Mendeley app. Starting from the 2022 edition using the 7th edition of the APA (American Psychological Association) model of reference and citation.


Journal Template


Decision type: Reject, Resubmit for review, Revision, Accepted


  1. After an initial inspection by the editor, the paper is considered unacceptable at Evangelical, it can be resubmitted.
  2. After peer review, the paper is deemed inadmissible for publication in Evangelikal, and resubmission is not possible.

Resubmit for review
The submitted version of the paper was unacceptable and required major revision but there is clear potential in the work and Evangelikal stands ready to consider a new version. Authors are offered the opportunity to resubmit their papers after revision and review. Authors must satisfy editors that their paper conforms to the scope and standards of Evangelicals.

The paper requires changes before a final decision can be made. Authors are asked to modify their manuscript based on comments received from reviewers and editors and to submit a new version for consideration no later than 3 months after receiving the decision letter. A point-by-point explanation of how comments have been handled should be included in the revised version of the paper. Revisions may undergo further peer review and papers may undergo more than one revision round. If the author does not revise the paper according to the editor's wishes, the paper may still be rejected from publication in Evangelikal.

Papers may be accepted for publication, subject to conditions that need to be addressed in producing the final version of the manuscript. This may include sub-editing changes and minor amendments to ensure the paper fully meets our criteria. After a final check at the editorial office, acceptance is confirmed and the paper is forwarded to the publisher for publication.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.