Publication Fees
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The Article Processing Charges (APC) for this journal is IDR1.150.000 per A4 output page in PDF format. The average length of an article in this journal is 5000–7000 words per article. This APC is valid for the current calendar year and may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of the publisher. The submitting author is responsible for payment of the APC and must confirm, at the time of submission, that s/he will organise payment of the APC should the article be accepted for publication. This responsibility may not be delegated to any third party unless agreed to by the publisher.
Article Submission Charges (ASC) do not apply.
APC fees for open-access journals have become an increasingly accepted method to defray the costs for publication, and, fortunately, most institutions have developed mechanisms and funding sources to cover publication costs in high-quality open-access journals. Authors are encouraged to contact their institution, department, or funder for more details regarding possible APC subsidy opportunities earmarked for open-access publications. As your department benefits directly and/or indirectly from the publication of the article, where extramural funding is absent, we are confident that your department will be eager to carry the costs of the APC fee.