Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat will issue corrections, retraction statements, and other post-publication updates, including Editor's Notes on published content.

The following are the categories of post-publication corrections and updates for peer-reviewed primary research and review types and specific types of articles that are not peer-reviewed. Substantial errors in Additional Information and Extended Data are corrected similar to the amendments in the main article. Except for the Editor's Note, all of the categories below are bi-directionally linked to the original article and indexed.

Author Corrections: Author Corrections may be published to correct important errors made by authors that affect the scientific integrity of published articles, publication notes, or the reputation of authors or journals.

Publisher Corrections: Publisher Corrections may be published to correct important errors made by journals that affect the scientific integrity of published articles, publication records, or the reputation of authors or journals.

Addendum: An addendum is generally published when significant additional information that is essential to the reader's understanding of the article has been revealed after publication.

Editor's Note: Editor's Note warns readers if the journal has initiated an investigation in response to concerns raised about a published article. This is an online-only update, created only for the HTML version of the published article notes. It is not indexed.

Retraction: An article can be retracted when the integrity of a published work is substantially undermined due to errors in the conduct, analysis, and reporting of the research. Violations of publication or research ethics may also result in the revocation of the research. The original article is marked as retracted, but the PDF version remains available to readers, and the retraction statement is bi-directional related to the original published paper. A revocation statement will usually include a statement of consent or disagreement from the author.

When making corrections to articles, in most cases, the original article (PDF and HTML) is corrected and linked bidirectionally to and from the published amendment notice, detailing the original error. For the sake of transparency, when changes made to the original article affect data in an image, table, or text (for example, when a data point/error bar changes or a curve requires a redraw), the amendment notice will reproduce the original data. When it is not possible to correct the original article in HTML and PDF versions (for example, an article published years before the error appeared), the article will remain unchanged but contain a two-way link to and from the published amendment notice.