About the Journal
Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual Indonesia (JTKI) published twice a year in June and December. Publishing by Simpson Theological Seminary. This Journal accepted articles of colleges, Practitioners, teachers, and lectures. JTKI accepts research papers and conceptual ideas that meet the rules of writing scientific articles. The scopes of this journal published articles are:Â Contextual Theology, Pastoral Contextual, Anthropology and Ethnography, Theology and Culture, Theology of Missions, Evangelism theology, Contextual Missiology, Community Development, Contemporary Theology, Sociology of Religion, Theology Contemporary Issues.
This journal has been indexed in Google Scholar, BASE, Dimensions.
eISSN: 2722-8630
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46445/jtki
Editor in chief: Harming, M.Si (SINTA ID: 6683406) Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson, Indonesia
Current Issue
Membebaskan Makna Sesama dari Kekangan Ghetto: Menjadi Gereja yang Merangkul Sesama dari Perspektif Lukas 10:25-37
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Keramahan Kristen di Tengah Krisis: Menyikapi Isu Imigrasi Dan Pengungsi Dari Perspektif Kitab Imamat 19:33-34
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Urgensi Penerapan Nilai-nilai Etika Bisnis Kristen Dalam Rekrutmen Ketenagakerjaan
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Menghadirkan Khotbah yang Berdaya Tarik bagi Generasi Z: Studi Kasus pada Gereja Pemberita Injil di Jakarta
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Metode Riset Kualitatif Yang Dapat Diandalkan untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Pelayanan Gereja dan Misinya
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