Moral Assessment of Violations of Marital Vows Among Christian Couples In Urhoboland


  • Felix Ogheneochuko Erhabor Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State
  • Peter O.O. Ottuh (Scopus ID: 57219147581) Delta State University



Marriage, Violations, Marital Vows, Christian Couples, Urhoboland


The majority of people, especially among the Urhobo, seem to view marriage as their final resort when it comes to getting over issues like loneliness, sexual tension, and social, cultural, economic, and political constraints. However, marriages built on these flimsy foundations frequently end in a string of breakdowns when faced with difficulties, which results in the breaking of marital vows. Due to the above, this work examines the morality of Christian couples in Urhoboland, Delta State, and Nigeria who break their marital vows. The inquiry made use of both analytical and phenomenological approaches. This work was evaluated using a systematic questionnaire and unstructured oral interviews. As a result, 12 churches in six local government areas were selected (Ethiopia East, Ethiopia West, Udu, Ughelli North, Ughelli South, and Sapele Local Government Areas). The phenomenological and analytical procedures were used due to the versatility of survey designs, which allow for a wide range of data collection techniques. The investigation in this work was done under two headings: factors responsible for violations of marriage vows and effects of marriage vow violations on couples, families, and society. This study shows a number of elements that contribute to marital vow breaches as well as the repercussions such violations have on individuals, families, and society. The participants agree that, in general, Christian married couples who divorce have a sense of autonomy and freedom from abusive marriages. This essay contends that since they broke their marital vows, both partners frequently experience severe spiritual regression.

Author Biography

Peter O.O. Ottuh, (Scopus ID: 57219147581) Delta State University

Scopus ID: 57219147581
Google Scholar: 0r-ROCYAAAAJ


Dr. Peter Oghenefavwe Oritsemuwa Ottuh is a Philosopher of Religion. He obtained a Certificate in Theological Studies from the Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku – Nigeria (1988); Diploma in Religious Studies; B.A. (Hons.) Religious Studies; M. A. Philosophy of Religion; Ph.D Philosophy of Religion from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma – Nigeria between 1997 and 2009; and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (P.G.D.E) Lagos in 2015. He joined the Ambrose Alli University as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Religious Management and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts in 2006 (to December 2011) where he held various positions including the posts of Associate Editors of Epha: Journal of Religious Studies (Departmental Journal) and Iroro: Journal of Arts (Faculty Journal) respectively. Dr Ottuh joined Samuel Adegboyega University, Ogwa, Edo State, Nigeria as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, College of Humanities in January 2012 where he held several positions including the Editor, SAU Journal of Humanities; served as Acting Head of Department of Languages; Chairman, Student Disciplinary Committee and Acting Dean, Student Affairs Division of the University. Dr Ottuh is a lecturer of high repute and a prolific writer whose scholarly works numbering over sixty have appeared in both national and international academic publications. He is the co-author of Some Thoughts in Sociology of Religion, co-editor of Religious Management and Human Development in Nigeria: Theoretical and Ecclesiological Issues and co-editor of Issues in Religious Studies and Philosophy. Dr Ottuh is a member of several learned societies including the Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS); National Association for the Study of Religions (NASR); Association of Nigerian Academics (ANA); Catholic Theological Association of Nigeria (CATHAN); African Association for the Study of Religions (AASR); Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR); and Niger Delta Christian Association for Academic Research (NIDCAARES). Dr Ottuh joined the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Faculty of Arts of Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State in 2014 as a Senior Lecturer and has risen to the rank of an Associate Professor. He is the Departmental Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies; member of Faculty Publication Committee; and member of Senate (Faculty of Arts Representative), Delta State University, Abraka.


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How to Cite

Erhabor, F. O., & Ottuh, P. O. (2023). Moral Assessment of Violations of Marital Vows Among Christian Couples In Urhoboland. Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual Indonesia, 4(1), 1–15.


