Peer Review Process
Didache: Journal of Christian Education values the role of reviewers in the peer-review process that enables us to publish high-quality materials in a timely way.
Reviewers are expected to accept for review only articles in which they have sufficient expertise. Any conflict of interest must be reported to the Chief Editor.
Reviewers should submit their reviews using the online form provided on the portal. They are expected to provide a clear recommendation and justifications for their recommendation for either acceptance or rejection of an article.
Reviewers should appreciate that they are a privileged group of persons who are having first-hand access to unpublished work and they should therefore maintain the confidentiality of all such works to which they are given access.
Reviewers must analyse the methodology and results and discuss whether these could be repeated.
Reviewers must identify gaps that could or should be addressed in order to provide better understanding of the results.
Reviewers should provide comments on how the article can be enhanced in terms of focus, style and length.
Reviewers must check whether the references are relevant, recent and in the proper format.
Reviewers must comment on the overall originality of the work and its contribution to the field.
Reviewers will be expected to re-review articles which are submitted again after substantial improvements.