Peran Gereja Dalam Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Teologi


  • Maidiantius Tanyid Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Palangkaraya



The Christian Church must play a role in various aspects for the advancement of ministry and quality improvement both internally and externally to the church. The command of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:20 “Teach them to do everything that I teach you. And know that I am with you always, even to the end of the age.†This command became the basis for the church to achieve quality improvement. Churches and universities are two parts that cannot be separated in carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. The Church must play a role in supporting Christian Education through the formation of the character of human resources in the church. Higher Education is a theological kitchen thar influences the quality of the church and the church becomes an educational agent whose role is to support the growth of quality tertiary institutions. The church’s role is to prepare a quality generation and support the efforts of universities in running the education system to achieve quality universities that are able to compete in various situations.


Astley, Jeff. 1994. The Philosophy of Christian Education. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press.

Benson, Clarence H. 1943. History of Christian Education. Chicago, USA: The Moody Bible lnstitute.

Graendorf, Werner C. 1981. Introduction to Biblical Christian Education- Chicago: Moody Press.

Price, J. M. 1940. A Survey of Religious Education. New York, USA: The Ronald Press Company.

B.S. Sidjabat, Mengajar secara Profesional Bandung: Kalam Hidup, 2020.

B.S. Sidjabat, Strategi Pendidikan Kristen Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2019.

Kenneth O. Gangel, Membina Pemimpin Pendidikan Kristen Malang: Gandum Mas, 2021.

Cornelius Van Til, Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan Kristen Surabaya: Momentum, 2019.

Iris V. Cully, Dinamika Pendidikan Kristen Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2020.

Robert R. Boehlke, Sejarah Perkembangan Pemikiran dan Praktek Pendidikan Agama Kristen Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2016.

Tidwell, Pelayanan Kependidikan Gereja Semarang: STBI, 2021.

Clarence H. Benson, A Popular History of Christian Education Chicago: Moody Press, 1943.

Nicholas P. Walterstorff, Mendidik Untuk Kehidupan Surabaya: Penerbit Momentum, 2017.

Stephen Tong, Arsitek Jiwa Surabaya: Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia, 2020.

T. W. Hunt, The Mind of Christ Nashville: Lifeway Press, 1994

Robby I, Chandra, Pendidikan Menuju Manusia Mandiri Bandung: Generasi Infomedia, 2018.

J.M. Price, JESUS THE TEACHER Bandung: Lembaga Literatur Baptis, 2019.

H.A.R Tilaar, Membenahi Pendidikan Nasional Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2020.


