Case Study Of Mawe Tradition: The Theology Study Of Spirit Summoning Rituals In Buru Island, Maluku


  • Candra Gunawan Marisi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam
  • Didimus Sutanto B Prasetya Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam
  • Riski Tasijawa Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen Protestan Negeri Sentani



theological studies, seances, the Mawe tradition, syncretism


Cultural traditions in Indonesia are very diverse, including the Mawe tradition on Buru Island, Maluku which is believed to be able to provide clues to uncover cases or problems that often occur. Uniquely, this tradition uses the spirits of deceased ancestors, which is a ritual led by traditional elders to provide clues that can explain a problem. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach and analysis of supporting Bible verses. As a result, from the theological studies conducted, it is known that rituals of seances have also been carried out in the biblical tradition, but it is clear that this tradition is contrary to the Bible. The Christian theological view is very clear that believers are not justified under any circumstances to perform seances because it is a form of syncretism.

Author Biography

Candra Gunawan Marisi, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

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How to Cite

Marisi, C. G., Prasetya, D. S. B., & Tasijawa, R. (2023). Case Study Of Mawe Tradition: The Theology Study Of Spirit Summoning Rituals In Buru Island, Maluku. Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual Indonesia, 4(2), 77–89.


