Implikasi Ulangan 5:16 Dalam Pendidikan Keluarga




parents, education, family


God is the God who wants to reveal Himself to humans. God also revealed what He wanted humans to do in the 10 Commanments. The law provides for the things that humans must do in relation to God and with others. The first law in human relations is the law concerning parents and children. Children must respect their parents. In fact, there are many events that show the fading of the values of respecting parents. This paper tries to reexamine the fifth law regarding respect for parents by analyzing Deuteronomy 5:16.  The analysis is done by looking for the meaning of the word "honor" and synthesizing several interpretations of the meaning of honoring parents.From this analysis it was found that through parents, a child is born into the world. Parents are God's representatives. The relationship between parent and child is the highest relationship in human relations. God gives orders for children to respect their parents. Respecting parents can be done in the form of submitting to parents, obeying parents and caring for parents in their old age. This has implications in the process of family education where parents are responsible for educating their children, children must be taught about things that God has done and submit to authority.




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